Our Decision-making Framework
The Team will:
- Listen carefully, ask questions, and educate themselves regarding wildlife issues, agenda items, and other interests.
- Exchange relevant information.
- Aim for timely resolution on issues.
- Identify information gaps that may affect decisions and explore ways of addressing these gaps.
- Explore as broad a range of options and solutions as possible in non-binding brainstorming sessions.
- Seek consensus, but consensus is not necessary to move forward with a decision.
The Chair will consider Team discussion, advice, and rationale on issues and forward the suggested course of action to the Director. Final decisions will be made by the appropriate statutory or policy decision making authority, and will take into account the advice and recommendations from the Team. The Team will track issues discussed at meetings to ensure follow up on issues in a timely manner. The Chair will discuss timelines with the Team. Ministry staff will report final decisions to the Team verbally, with rationale provided when the decision is not confidential.